Sunday, October 9, 2011


I was teaching my class on Friday, and since we had an unusually large group, we decided to put on a movie for the older kids (older meaning age 3-4).  So we were watching Hermie, and it was basically the story of Noah and the ark.  When things were getting hard on the boat, and Hermie was wondering why God had him build the boat and then left him there, Wormie reminded Hermie that if Hermie trusted God enough to build the boat, he should trust God while he was ON the boat.  Having patience and knowing God knew what He was doing.  It really got me thinking about my own situation.  I know that God brought us here for a reason.  It is hard now that we are here, without having a full time job, or a place of our own.  When our house in NC still hasn't sold.  It has been stressful.  But watching that film really got to me.  Do I still trust that God wants what is best for me, even though it seems He has abandoned me?  Do I still feel like I am in His will even though things did not work out exactly how I planned?  God is not to be rushed.  His timing and His will are ALWAYS right.  I need to be content wherever I am in life.  With whatever situation God throws at me.  I do trust that He knows best, and I am very glad to be reminded that He does love me, and He does have a plan for me.  I just need to wait on the boat for the waters to recede.  That is my job for now.  Whoever said you can't learn anything from a kid show ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Amen, I have been running into Lean not unto thy own understanding all week in my bible study. It is encouraging how God gives each of us just what we need. This statement gave me a lot of encouragement this week.: "Regardless of disappointment in person or circumstance I must recognize that God is still a loving and sovereign God who has not changed or moved."

    I have had a lot going on in my extended family and I have tried to spend time reflecting on knowing he is GOD!


norton family