Friday, January 28, 2011

Being a good steward

Right now the economy is in really bad shape.  REALLY bad shape.  I am so thankful to say that we have not been seriously effected by it.  About 2 years ago, we heard about a guy named Dave Ramsey.  My mom came to our house to help us paint our kitchen cabinets and she brought the whole CD series of Financial Peace University.  We listened to the whole set while painting, and it really got us thinking.   The stuff he teaches is basic common sense, that noone seems to realize until someone flat out says it.  Something clicked and we got right to paying off our debt, living below our means and saving up for a rainy day.  It hasn't been easy, and we've had some setbacks.  Nathan got a huge pay cut, we have had unexpected expenses, but we have been committed to "live like noone else, so later, we can live like noone else".  Basically that means saving up so when (not if, but WHEN) an emergency happens, we will be ready, saving for retirement so you don't depend on the government, and taking control of what God has blessed us with.  I cannot tell you how freeing it is to not have financial stress in our marriage.  We are by no means rich, but we don't have the stress of someone that is drowning in debt.  So many marriages fail because of finances.  What Dave teaches is also what the Bible teaches.  It may sound silly, but it never clicked before.  I am so thankful that God teaches us to be good stewards, and to not be slave to the lender.  What a freeing though!!  Our Bible teaches us everything we need to know that pertains to life.  It teaches us about marriage, parenting, witnessing and even finances.  I am so thankful to be married to a man that is on the same page with me and is determined to not have debt, to pay off our mortgage quickly, and to save up for retirement.  What a relief, as a woman, to know my family is well taken care of, and that we are following God's plan. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen! The book you gave us for Christmas as taught us a lot! Thanks for being a caring friend!


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