Friday, February 18, 2011

Fresh air and sunshine

I am so excited to be back in Florida.  I love the warm sunshine and there is so much to do here.  We have been going on multiple walks every day and it is so much fun!!  I am seeing some of my best friends this weekend as well, and I am really excited about that too.  As hard as it is to move, I am so thankful for keeping in touch with my friends. I love just picking up where we left off and continuing a great relationship.  I know I have that with my NC friends as well, and it really does mean a lot to me to stay in touch and make an effort to spend time together when we can!!  I love my friends so much.  They are like family to me!!  I hope you all come and visit me when we get settled in and enjoy this beautiful weather with me.  We haven't walked on the beach yet, I am trying to wait til my mom gets home in a few days, but I am really excited to do that too!!  It's a great workout that I don't even notice I am doing, and lets face it, workouts aren't fun for me, so any exercise I can do without noticing I'm exercising is a good thing!!!  We need to get Marissa a bike and then we will be able to walk even longer.  So that is on my list of things to get. . . hopefully soon!!!  Happy Friday everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad your feeling good about the move! We miss you but rejoice in you happiness!


norton family