I think I have come to the conclusion that if Christians are doing something that THEY want to do or that "feels good", that it's probably not the right thing to do. So many Christians today are in bondage to their sin and they are starting to believe the world that their sin is not really sin, that it is really acceptable. You want to live with your boy/girlfriend. . . no problem, get to know each other. Impure thoughts, and acting on them. . . it's natural. Letting your kids do/say whatever they want without punishment or training. . . they need to learn for themselves. Eating til you are overstuffed. . . well you don't want to waste it!! We have been taught by the world that we aren't responsible for our actions because someone along the way ruined us, and that is why we are the way we are. It's not our fault. Well, the truth of it is, those are all lies. Lies Satan teaches us. Lies the world teaches us. The closer I get to God, the less I care what the world thinks and the less I want to be like anyone living for themselves, or to please others. We are fully responsible for how we act and react. If you are a woman and have not read "Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free", you really need to get it. It is so true all the lies we have been fed, ever so slightly so you don't notice them as lies. God does not call us to be selfish, or to get what WE can out of life. He calls us to die to self. To deny the flesh what the flesh wants, and to do things right and live for Him. You can't live for God and for yourself. You need to choose one. I choose God. I don't have to be in bondage of my sins or the lies I have believed. I choose to be a servant for Christ. To give up my desires for His glory. I don't belong here, my home is in heaven. Why would I want to fit in where I don't belong? If the world is OK with me, then I am not being a good enough Christian. I want the world to think I'm "weird". I want them to know I am different. Maybe then I can make a difference in the world.
Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world: be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Family fun night
I LOVE homemade pizza. I absolutely love it!! I think the thing I like best is you can make it any way you want!! One night I made chicken alfredo with onion and garlic. Usually I make supreme. Sometimes with garlic butter crust, sometimes with marinara for dipping, but ALWAYS it tastes amazing! Every week my husband jokes with me and tells me "this is the BEST you ever made". It's so much fun, the kids love to help me (and sample the toppings, even though they ALWAYS want their pizza to just be plain cheese!) It is something we do every Friday, and I love making these memories. Once in a great while we will order pizza, but for the most part, half of the fun of family fun night is making the pizzas together, watching a movie, and playing games!! We take time to just spend time together and have fun (and everyone knows Baptists spell fun F-O-O-D!!!) I am so thankful for my family, I don't want to take anything for granted!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
More toys?!
Dylan's birthday is next weekend and I have no idea what to get him for his birthday. The kids rooms are literally running over with toys!! I really try to keep them under control, but it seems like they just multiply on their own! I love "disposable" toys: play dough, paints. . . etc. However, my son only wants the biggest, loudest toys he can find! He loves the guns, swords/shields, and anything else that does not fit easily in a small toy box. I have no idea what he will want this year for a present. Hopefully he will want a DVD or a Wii game and then I won't have to break my feet stepping through his room at night, although, I don't think that will be the case.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Emotional Rollercoaster
This has certainly been a trying year for us. There has been so many changes to our lives that if I wasn't such a flexible person, I think I would have pulled my hair out! I wish I could say that we are on the other side of all the chaos, unfortunately we are still in the middle of it. I know God uses circumstances to grow us and change us. I just wish I knew how I am supposed to grow! I know looking back it will all make sense, but how crazy this all is while we're going through it. I am doing the bible study "Lies women believe and the truth that sets them free" and it is amazing!! So many things I never thought of as "a big deal" really come into focus while doing this study. It is teaching me how to see the truth in all things, and to not waste my thinking on something that is not beneficial. I think it is helping me to endure during this time and to be patient and wait on the Lord. I like to know what is going on, and it's hard to give that to God, but ultimately it's His decision what path our family takes, so I need to be willing to give that to Him. He has provided so much for us so far, and things are happening that I never could have imagined would ever happen. I know He will take care of us. Most days are good, some days are bad but we try to plug away and just do what we're doing until He changes things. I know we are not the only people trying unsuccessfully to sell a house, but it is hard when you're going through it. I feel trapped like we can't move on. I pray that we will get some answers soon, but even if we don't, I need to remember that God has a bigger plan. I am so excited for our trip to OK. It is a HUGE step of faith, but I know it will bring us closer together and closer to God. God has given us so much for this trip, I know He is happy we are going. He has provided the hotel, a cheap car rental so we don't waste wear and tear on our vehicles for such a long trip. He has given us the money to go there and the peace that it is the right thing to do no matter what anyone else says. I am really excited to see what happens next!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
What's really important
Today at church we were learning about struggles, and how they really put us in our place. They show us and teach us that in the whole scheme of things, the world does not revolve around us. We are not the center of the universe. It shows us to lean on God and to live our lives for Him and for His glory. It really makes me think about what is truly important. For me, is it important to have to go off to work for "things" that will just get old and break one day, or is it more important to invest that time in my children, raising and training them to love the Lord, to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? For me, I choose not to work outside the home, but I try really hard to make sure that my ministry in the home is as it should be. So often I feel that I fall short, but I always try to pick myself up and start new. The time we have with our children is so short, we should be treasuring every moment with them. Do we spend our days playing, encouraging and teaching our children? At the end of the day do we feel that we have really impacted their lives in a positive way? I feel that I really need to look to God to help raise my kids, especially in this sinful world. I know that we all have struggles we are facing right now, and that God wants to help us through them. I try to do the best I can, but ultimately, the rest is up to God. My kids are growing so fast and I want them to know that I care about them and do what I can, even if we are having problems or struggles. I also realize that my problems are nothing compared with others I know. So many people in this world have so much less than we do. Are being persecuted, starving, dying. I have nothing to complain about, but I also have everything to lose if I don't take every opportunity to tell my kids and others about Christ. Mainly, by living my life to please Jesus so that others can come to Him through me. I got a good wake up call today. Allow your struggles to bring you closer to Christ and closer to those that really matter. We don't belong in this world, we are just passing through. I just pray that God will give me the time here to help secure a home in heaven for my loved ones, and for others I meet. Jesus is a free gift. All you have to do is take it, and share it with others. Believe that Christ will save you and you will have a home in heaven. Know that God cares for you no matter what is going on in your life. Then change your life to please Him and to grow closer to Him. God is what really matters, where you will spend your eternal life is what matters. Things don't matter so much when you look at the whole picture. I think I need to make a better effort with my kids, training them for what really matters. We can never get close enough to Christ. There is always room to get closer.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Dylan was so excited today when he asked me if he could watch "Spicable Bean". I told him that was a very good idea but then asked if he would rather watch "Despicable Me". LOL
Marissa was quoting a Bible verse Philippians 2:14, "Do all things without murdering and disputing". (Should be murmuring, but still is good sense her way). LOL
Marissa was quoting a Bible verse Philippians 2:14, "Do all things without murdering and disputing". (Should be murmuring, but still is good sense her way). LOL
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Since moving back to FL I haven't been as big on couponing. Partly because they don't have double and triple coupons :( But also because I have been very busy since I got here. August is open though, so I think it's time to get back into it. I love that you can buy coupons for whatever you need in bulk on ebay. I just bought some for body wash and shampoo. Combine with BOGO and we are in business to restock the shelves! I won't go overboard since we're at my parents house, but it will be nice to restock some stuff we're getting low on. If you have never couponed before you really should start! It's a great way to get name brand stuff for cents!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
This has been a really hard few weeks for me. We are going to a church that I like for the most part. Although, I HATE Sunday School. I dislike it so much I almost want to change churches. The teacher is horrible, spends most of the time going off on tangents, and he gives advice, but never uses scripture to back up what he says, which means the whole class is just his opinion. There are other classes, but the one that is really good is for older people, which makes it really hard to meet people our own age. I think I have come up with a solution though, so this Sunday we will give it a try. I like to help out at church, and since I don't like the Sunday School class for married couples, we are going to help out in the teen group. The assistant pastor is the preacher in that class, and he is wonderful. Ashley just moved up so it will give us a chance to get to know some kids and their parents. I think it will be really good for us and help us get plugged in. I love the church message, so we'll see how this goes.
No news on our house yet. Normally no news is good news, but when you are trying to sell a house, no news is BAD news!! So we are continuing to pray, I know God will work things out in His timing.
Someone stole my debit card number somehow. So I have to deal with getting a new card, disputing a transaction and changing the automatic withdrawl number on ALL my bill accounts, ugg!! I am thankful that I check the balance online daily so I was able to catch it right away without too much hassle, but the whole canceling the card and changing all the numbers will be a pain. Too bad noone hacks into an account and DEPOSITS money. Now that would be helpful!!
I am honestly trying to stay positive through all that has happened this year. I know some people have it far worse than we do. Even on a bad day for me it is much better than a good day for others. I am trying to not complain about things, to take it one day at a time and to not worry about the house, missing my sisters and their families and all that!! Speaking of family, one of my sister's is visiting in Sept, so that will be a lot of fun! They will be here for Marissa's birthday and since their daughter and mine are BFF, they will have a great time :)
On a good note, I am so thankful for my family, for my husband that has not one but two jobs in a time where a lot of people have none. I am thankful that we are able to pay our bills, and still have a little fun. I am so thankful that I have a Savior that loves me, guides me, and takes care of me. He knows how this all will turn out, I only need to walk forward!!
No news on our house yet. Normally no news is good news, but when you are trying to sell a house, no news is BAD news!! So we are continuing to pray, I know God will work things out in His timing.
Someone stole my debit card number somehow. So I have to deal with getting a new card, disputing a transaction and changing the automatic withdrawl number on ALL my bill accounts, ugg!! I am thankful that I check the balance online daily so I was able to catch it right away without too much hassle, but the whole canceling the card and changing all the numbers will be a pain. Too bad noone hacks into an account and DEPOSITS money. Now that would be helpful!!
I am honestly trying to stay positive through all that has happened this year. I know some people have it far worse than we do. Even on a bad day for me it is much better than a good day for others. I am trying to not complain about things, to take it one day at a time and to not worry about the house, missing my sisters and their families and all that!! Speaking of family, one of my sister's is visiting in Sept, so that will be a lot of fun! They will be here for Marissa's birthday and since their daughter and mine are BFF, they will have a great time :)
On a good note, I am so thankful for my family, for my husband that has not one but two jobs in a time where a lot of people have none. I am thankful that we are able to pay our bills, and still have a little fun. I am so thankful that I have a Savior that loves me, guides me, and takes care of me. He knows how this all will turn out, I only need to walk forward!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
This week has been very hectic. We had so much going on and so much running around to do, I am physically so exhausted, I actually fell asleep for a bit while watching a movie today (if you don't know me, I NEVER fall asleep during a movie!!) It has been so crazy. Helping my BIL at his house, spending time with my sister and her husband before they left (and felt their baby move a few more times!!) babysitting and trying (very unsuccessfully) to get the house cleaned up. Tomorrow is pretty much the only day in July that I have NOTHING planned!! I am so excited and I plan to finally get my very much neglected room all cleaned up, and also relax. I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to veg out and relax!! We'll see if that actually happens, but I hope it does. Thursday will be fun. We are having date day with the kids. This time girls with Nathan (each alone) and Dylan with me. I love spending one on one time with the kids, it really keeps us close and makes them feel special!! I am not sure what we'll do this week, but since Dylan's birthday is coming up soon, maybe we'll be searching for the perfect gift for him!! Marissa wants to go swimming, and I'm not sure what Ashley has planned, but I'm sure it will involve a stop at Game Stop! :)
Friday, July 15, 2011
This is the last weekend I have with Rebecca and Matt before they move :( It's really sad, but I am so thankful they will be within a days drive. My other sister Rachel and her family are getting settled (as much as you can without your stuff there!!) on the other side of the world!!! They were blessed to get a big enough house WITH a yard, which is extremely unusual! That was a huge answer to prayer. Unfortunately, they will be without their stuff for months (I can't even imagine!) so we are praying for friends to loan them some things esp. toys for the kids! They are also blessed to have some very good friends there in the same town! How awesome is that?! That is also a HUGE blessing!! I really miss my family a lot but I am so thankful for SKYPE!! July has been so busy so far and has no chance of slowing down! Ashley is counting down the days to horse camp! One more week!! August is very dull except for Dylan's birthday, so I am looking forward to some down time before we get back into the swing of things!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Happy Birthday Matt!!
Today is my brother-in-law's birthday :) His very last birthday before he becomes a dad!! Unfortunately they are in the process of having the moving guys load up all their belongings so they can move away :-( I am pretty sad about that, but very happy for the time we had together!
This week has flown by. I am so exhausted, I feel like I can't catch a breath! We have so much going on in July, I am very much looking forward to August where my calender is empty except for Dylan's birthday!! :-)
Well, off to rest for a bit while the girl I babysit is sleeping. Today has been a good day, but I do have to grocery shop later :-/
This week has flown by. I am so exhausted, I feel like I can't catch a breath! We have so much going on in July, I am very much looking forward to August where my calender is empty except for Dylan's birthday!! :-)
Well, off to rest for a bit while the girl I babysit is sleeping. Today has been a good day, but I do have to grocery shop later :-/
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Baby shower!!
Today was the day of the baby shower. It was SO much fun!! Lots of food, lots of laughs :) Rebecca is so excited for her baby to get here, and we had a great time celebrating this miracle from God! I had the privilege of feeling the baby kick last night, which was very cool :) I am so sad that they are moving away in just one week :-( but it was so nice to be able to throw the shower before they leave. I had a great surprise for her. Nathan and I made a watermelon baby buggy! It turned out great, and was a huge hit. I am SO glad it turned out, we have never done one before, but it looked great! Everyone had so much fun, and she got a lot of nice baby stuff too. It was so much fun :) I am exhausted now, and ready to go to Steak N Shake for dinner!!
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Drink table |
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Chicken salad phyllo cups |
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Mini muffins |
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Baby buggy! I am SO glad this turned out :-) |
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I love these girls! |
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Ladies having fun |
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Thank you to my helpers!! |
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Rebecca opening gifts |
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Busy, busy
This week has been really busy but really fun! We had, of course, fireworks and bowling on the 4th of July! Then VBS started Tues. In all honesty, this is probably the worst VBS I have ever been to. Not that it was horrible, I've just been to better. The kids like it, but I thought it was weird they didn't have any crafts or games, and the skit is more improv and not very "organized", but the message was pretty good, and the kids still had fun, so I kept my mouth shut. There was this one little boy there that I had the privileged to lead to the Lord last night. He was in 1st grade. Afterwards, I asked him his information, so we could keep it on record, and he said he lived on Wilson Street. I asked what the house number was, for example 715 Wilson Street, and he said, "Oh, yeah, that's it 715 Wilson Street". LOL I asked him what his phone number was and he said, "It's 82350, and that's it." LOL again! It was SO cute!! Other than VBS, I am getting things ready for my sisters baby shower Saturday. I am SO excited, and I tried really hard not to go crazy shopping for her today, but it was hard. Everything was so cute!! I hope the shower goes well. I have some surprises for her I can't wait, and I'm praying it works out!! She has a cute little belly, and is so excited :) I hope to get some pictures posted after the shower!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
First thing this morning, we decided to drive down to the pool. I didn't notice that my Dad's truck was in the driveway, and I assumed he was at work. Well, when we came home I saw that both my dad and mom's cars were in the driveway! I thought something happened, like someone died or something! Well, it turns out mom just got back from work early, and dad had the day off! What is even funnier is that we left Ashley home alone, so she was just walking into my parents room to take a shower and was just singing and walked around the corner in their room, saw my dad shaving and SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER!! It was SOOOO funny! Her eyes were HUGE! She thought she was alone. LOL That was the funniest thing ever :-)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July!!
This weekend was a lot of fun so far!! We got to spend time with some good friends, we got to rid the world of zombies (or at least Nathan and his brother did LOL), and today we are going bowling. That will be a first for the little kids. I think they will have a lot of fun!! The bowling alley across the street has $0.99 games today, which is pretty cool! So we'll be heading out there in a few hours. I hope today you remember what it took to get our freedom, and instead of being against war, realize that sometimes war is necessary and war is what keeps us safe, and keeps our country free. Thank the men and women that sacrifice so much to keep us free. Not just the soldiers, but their families as well. They may not be serving themselves, but they give so much to our country. I am looking forward to the place where there will be no fighting and no sadness. One day, those that are saved will rise to meet Christ and will never have to deal with pain or suffering again. I can't wait for that time to come! Until then, I am so thankful for being in a country where I have so much freedom and so much safety. Thank you to all the servicemen/women/families. Not just military, but everyone that works hard to keep our country safe!! Thank you for everything you do for us!
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