Thursday, July 7, 2011

Busy, busy

This week has been really busy but really fun!  We had, of course, fireworks and bowling on the 4th of July!  Then VBS started Tues.  In all honesty, this is probably the worst VBS I have ever been to.  Not that it was horrible, I've just been to better.  The kids like it, but I thought it was weird they didn't have any crafts or games, and the skit is more improv and not very "organized", but the message was pretty good, and the kids still had fun, so I kept my mouth shut.  There was this one little boy there that I had the privileged to lead to the Lord last night.  He was in 1st grade.  Afterwards, I asked him his information, so we could keep it on record, and he said he lived on Wilson Street.  I asked what the house number was, for example 715 Wilson Street, and he said, "Oh, yeah, that's it 715 Wilson Street".  LOL  I asked him what his phone number was and he said, "It's 82350, and that's it." LOL again!  It was SO cute!!  Other than VBS, I am getting things ready for my sisters baby shower Saturday.  I am SO excited, and I tried really hard not to go crazy shopping for her today, but it was hard.  Everything was so cute!!  I hope the shower goes well.  I have some surprises for her I can't wait, and I'm praying it works out!!  She has a cute little belly, and is so excited :)  I hope to get some pictures posted after the shower!!

1 comment:

  1. PTL!!! For that new little soul on its way to heaven.

    I will be looking for a picture blog after the shower :-)

    Tammy Kapoor


norton family