Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Busy days

This week has been a great one so far!!  My sister is down with her family and we are going to the zoo tomorrow!!  That should be really crazy fun!!  There will be about 12-13 or so, depending on if I am counting correctly ;-)  The kids are very excited to see the animals and ride the rides.  The best part is, it's free!!  We are museum members and we get to go to all different places throughout the year.  This month is the zoo and aquarium, (which we will do after our OK trip).  We are really panicked excited to go to OK.  I have SO much to do to plan for it still, (and pack) not to mention preparing my curriculum for the next 2 Friday's (since I'll be gone next Friday) and home school my kids.  Did I tell you that we're also staying with my BIL this week?!  I am trying not to stress, however, I have noticed an abundance of seizures come up this week (which I mainly get from stress. . . and strobe lights).  So tonight I will be doing some pilates to help me calm down.  Sorry I won't be blogging a lot in the next few days, but I am sure you will hear from me while in OK!  I need to get back to my insane real life now.  Have a good couple of days.  I'll try to post zoo pictures soon!!

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