Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Sorry it has been so long since my last update, but things have been crazy here.  We are finishing the process of moving (although temporarily) which has been a huge blessing to us.  We are still praying for Nathan to get a lead position, but we are so thankful for God's provisions in the meantime.  We have been so blessed to have been given numerous things we needed for the house!  It has amazed me to see how God has provided so much for us!  We also got a puppy.  She's a German Shorthaired Pointer mix.  You can google it if you don't know what they look like :-)  She's 6 mos old, and I'll post pictures as soon as I can.  She's a sweetheart, and soooo good for the kids!!  We are about 2/3 of the way moved in.  We still have some things at my parent's house, and some boxes that need to be unpacked at this house, but I have been running the dishwasher and the washer all day!!  I will try to update again soon!!  Sorry this is short, but lots to do!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you updated. I wonder if you all got moved in. Hope you guys get settled quickly so you can blog more often.

    Tammy Kapoor


norton family