Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mystery Guest

I haven't been on a lot lately, because we didn't have internet at the house.  We have it now, so I hope to be able to update more often.  Since moving back to FL I have not done any Mystery Guest work, and I am hoping to get back into it soon.  If you don't know what a Mystery Guest is, let me catch you up.  There is a site that you go to and fill out all your information to see if you qualify to do the work.  If you are accepted, you go to a certain restaurant at a certain time and then you answer all these questions for the owners of the restaurant, such as what the waiter was like, was the bathroom clean, were your drinks filled in a timely manner.  Stuff like that.  They reimburse you for your meal, so it's pretty much like going on a date for free!!  We did it a lot here before we moved to NC and we also did it in NC, but we have not done it since moving back.  It's a great way to have a date, but not spend a lot of money.  It's a lot of fun, and you get to try out new restaurants!! 

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