Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Boy, I hate finding a new church!! I am glad that there are so many good ones out there, but it is hard to find the perfect fit for your own family. We have been to a few here, but we have not joined one yet. I am praying God will lead us to the right church soon. I really liked the one we tried last night. They even have a Master's Club program there, which the kids were excited about. They also have homeschooler's, which is important to Ashley. We keep praying that God will give us wisdom and that we will know what His will is for our family. Even though we have just visited churches, I have gotten a lot out of all of the sermon's. So I am thankful for that!! It's great to see so many Christian's truly living for the Lord, and not just claiming to be saved. That has been a huge encouragement to me :)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Every year God never fails to surprise me. There is always a new challenge that He uses to grow us closer to Him. This year is no different. In fact, I think this is going to be the most trying year we have ever faced. We know God's will is perfect, but figuring out His plan for our lives is the hard part. We have quite a few decisions to make that will affect our lives forever. I am praying that we make the right choices and that God will be pleased with us. I will keep you posted with how things turn out. I don't know how or why we are faced with these decisions, but I know God has a plan!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Never again
Last night we found a new home for our puppy. I know it was best for him, but I still miss him terribly! I hate getting an animal and then having to give it away. It tears at my heart :( I know he is happy though. The guy that took him sent pictures and he looks very happy and at home. Right now we need to focus on our kids and selling the house. But, I will never again have an animal. It hurts too much when they leave, whether they have to be sold, or they pass away. So I'm done with pets. I know my kids aren't happy about that, but that is the way it is. Rebecca had a good idea, to put away all the money I was spending on the dog every month, and save it for a vacation. After the stress of moving, the house, the dog. . . I think I will take her up on that!! We need something to lift our spirits from all the things we have going on right now!! I still try to remember to just trust God to take care of everything. Sometimes it is hard, but I know in my heart, His way is best.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Out of the mouths of babes
Dylan and I had a great conversation last night before he went to bed. He told me when he grows up that he wants to be a cowboy. I asked him where he would get the cows and he said he'd have to grow them, or something! Then he said he would have to kill them all so he could have food. I told him that he should save some to keep having babies, but he didn't think that was a good idea LOL. I asked him where he was going to live, and he said he would live in the house in NC, since noone is living there right now. I asked him what kind of car he would have and he said that he would just take my car for free, that way he wouldn't have to pay for one. I asked him how many kids he wanted and he said 71. He was going to only have boys because he doesn't like girls. He was going to name them all Jacob and Esau, that way he would always remember to tell them about the bible. He told me he would put them all in different colored clothes so he could tell them apart. I thought that was a good idea ;) I asked him what he would do if he had a girl, and he said he would just sell it to me. Then he changed his mind and said he wouldn't mind having 2 girls, named Mary and Mandy. Because those sound like good names. I told him I was proud of him for planning it all out. He looked really proud of himself for all his great ideas. I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I snuggled with him. My sweet little boy. I thank God so much for him!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Thinking too much
Sometimes I wonder why things happen the way they do. Not in a bad way, but it's just really neat to see how God's hand is in everything. Like how you meet someone, and become friends, or how you help someone not knowing you are planting a seed. Stuff like that. I don't always think about why or how things happen, but when I do, it makes me be more aware of being there for others and not just letting life pass by. Sometimes bad things happen too, that only God knows the purpose for it happening. But no matter what happens in our lives, good or bad, we need to keep our focus on God and making sure we are living for Him. I am nowhere near perfect, and sometimes I wonder why or how God could use me. But He does, and when I least expect it. I am just rambling, I am sure. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but I have just been thinking about God and life and how things turn out. I just hope that when I get to heaven, God will be pleased.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Why oh why?
I don't know why I torture myself by looking at houses right now when we aren't ready to buy. I, of course, found a house that would be great for us. It's a foreclosure, so cheap, but in a nice neighborhood, blah, blah. But our house hasn't sold yet. This house will most likely be gone whenever we are ready to buy, but I guess it is nice to know that there are cheap houses in nice neighborhoods here. So that is good to know. We are still praying for our house to sell. I am not sure what God has in store for us right now, but we are just trusting that His will is best and that He will continue to guide and direct our path. Things are going really well at my parents house. I love being here to help out, and the kids love to see their grandparents every day! It has been a huge blessing to us! Nathan and I went on a date tonight and it was a lot of fun. I love that there are so many great places here! I really missed that in NC. I am trying to stay positive, even though our house is still for sale. Some days are harder than others, but I know nothing is too big for God! He has been teaching us so much and providing for us in ways I never could have imagined! He truly is a wonderful, loving God! I am so thankful to be His child!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Well, surprise, surprise, I got Marissa's cold :( I have a major headache, which makes it impossible to sleep, and a very sore throat. So I don't feel much like talking. Shockingly Nathan is very happy about that ;) I am shocked that I actually miss walking the dog. I did a short walk this morning but nothing tonight, and I am really bummed. I guess that is a good thing. I am almost down to my wedding weight, which has been a goal of mine for a few months now. I haven't done a ton to work at it, but lately I have been jogging (those of you that know me well know I HATE jogging)! It actually has been fun trying to keep up with the pup! He has lots of energy, but I have been doing alright. I also, believe it or not, have gotten some sun since coming here. Well, for me it's an improvement, but to most of you I will still look crazy white! I guess something is better than nothing! The gallon of sunblock I use daily doesn't help with the tan, but does keep me safe :) I hope I feel better tomorrow so I can keep up on the jogging. Now, where did I put those girl scout cookies . . .
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Praise the Lord Marissa is doing much better today! Her fever was up to 105 yesterday. Poor thing :( Today her fever broke and she was eating a little. Not much though. So we need to work on that. Last night was kind of funny though. With her high fever she was hallucinating. She was sound asleep and all the sudden sat up in bed, said, "whoa, whoa!" and told me to watch out so I wouldn't fall off the bed!! (I was in the middle of the bed). Then she laid back down and screamed at the top of her lungs. I said "WHAT?!" Thinking she was hurt. She said, "Do you feel that shaking?!" I told her to go back to sleep because I didn't know what she was talking about. A second later she was snoring away. I felt bad for her because she was so sick, but couldn't help laughing out loud about it. I'm so glad she is feeling better today, and we're praying noone else gets the fever!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Heat wave
Not to sound mean, but I like it when my kids are sick. They are so cuddly and sweet. Not that I want them to get sick, but it's a little bonus when it happens. The only bad thing about them being cuddly with a fever is that I get HOT! And we can't turn on the fan because they are cold. I am also thankful for laptops :) I have gotten a lot of work done today while resting with Marissa. She has a pretty high fever today. I hope it doesn't last. She's pretty skinny as it is. Not eating is not a good thing for her. So, please pray for her healing, and that Nathan won't get sick either. He has been working so hard lately, which is such a blessing!! It's also nice having my parents here to help with Ashley and Dylan and Scamp. My poor baby has been lying around all day, and doesn't want me to leave her side :( I am very hot right now, but I love the cuddling!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
If someone would have told me a year ago that our life would be drastically different, I wouldn't believe it. God has truly blessed our family in the past few months. Nathan went from having a job he hated that kept him constantly away from his family, to a job he loves that allows him to be home early every day. God also has blessed him with another job that will supplement the time it will take for his first job to go full time. Well, actually, he is working full time right now during training, but he is supposed to go part time after that until a full time position opens up. So right now he is working full time and part time. Which is a huge blessing! We are stashing it all away in anticipation of losing a lot of money when our house actually sells. I am praying that won't happen and that we will get a good offer on it. God has provided so much up til now, there is no reason to think He won't continue to provide for us with the selling of our home. It is so exciting to see how His plan for us has laid out. With the closing of doors, and the way He has prepared us for this move. I cannot understand how people can live their lives without God's guidance. I know that whenever we are in His will our lives are blessed. I can't wait to see what God has in store for the rest of this year. Right now I am enjoying the daily walks I get to take with my kids and puppy and the dates I get with my sweetheart. Money doesn't buy happiness, but trusting in and living for God makes us happier and more content with our lives than anything money could buy us.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
End times
After seeing all the "weird" phenomenon that is going on with the world (earthquakes, tsunamis. . . ) I wonder if we truly are in the end times. Some people blame God for the bad in the world, conveniently forgetting that God intended this world to be perfect and that Satan and sin brought pain and suffering to us. We also need to remember that God is long suffering, and even though His heart breaks by the fact that the one thing we should treasure (human life) is being murdered by the thousands without a second thought, Jesus will not return until everyone has a chance to get saved and join Him in heaven. Jesus wants everyone to come to Him, to find life through Him. He is willing to allow the suffering to continue, for a time. There will come a point where Christ won't wait any longer, and for those that have not found salvation in Christ. . . it will be too late. I hope and pray that you have already confessed that you are a sinner in need of a savior and have reached out to Christ for salvation. For those of you with children, are you teaching your children about salvation, and the only true Savior of the world? I pray that you are not just bringing your children to church, but truly living what you believe and showing them what a godly home is all about. There is so much hatred and corruption in this world, our children need stable, loving, godly homes in order to withstand the evil of this world. Noone knows exactly when Christ will return, but are you ready? Are your loved ones ready? What about the person you passed on the street, are they ready? Reach out to Christ, He will save you and He will change you. Only Christ will fill the void in your life and teach you true love and happiness. I am not afraid of end times, because I know where I am going when I die, and it is glorious!
“If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
Friday, March 11, 2011
Good old times
Every Friday night for as long as I can remember has been dubbed "Family Fun Night" in my house. We make some pizzas and play games/watch movies. I am so happy that our family has this tradition. I hope our kids grow up and have fond memories of the time we spend together. The kids love to help make the pizzas, and we all take turns deciding what game to play or movie to watch. I remember doing this as a child, and I know spending time together has really bonded my sister/parents and me. I know that spending time with our children is so important. Time really does fly, and we need to enjoy every moment together. Now, I just need a new camera so I can catch all these memories on film ;)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I hope I am not jumping the gun saying this, but our next door neighbor in NC has a brother that wants to look at our house next weekend. How cool would that be if we could sell it to him?! He would be by his family, and we would get our house sold!! Please pray for us. We really want it to sell soon, but we know it is all in God's hands and in His timing. We are also praying that it sells for a good price since we pretty much have to pay out of pocket to get out of it. We really don't want to lose a ton on the place. I can't wait to be done with it, it makes me sick thinking of how much we are losing. But in the end, it is only money. We can't take it with us when we die, so why worry about it, right?! I am really learning patience and waiting on God during this time. I am having a blast living with my parents right now. It has been a huge blessing to all of us. Nathan LOVES his job and I am so thankful for that! God has lead us this far, I know He will get our house sold! I will keep you posted as to what happens!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Time alone
I can't remember the last time Nathan and I went out alone. I know it was before we moved here, so it's been at least a month or more. Tomorrow, we are going to go to a hotel nearby to have some time alone together. We are bringing the Love & Respect book, and just focus on each other. I think it is so important for married couples to spend time alone. Esp. after they have children. I do believe that when the children are babies, that their needs might come first, and personally, I would NEVER leave my baby. But our kids are old enough to spend some time alone with their grandparents. They have a blast and do not miss us at all, unless of course we leave for a long time. I am really excited to get away from the stress of trying to sell our house, trying to get settled here, and just have some fun!! Even without spending a lot of money, we need our dates! Our kids will be happier if our marriage is happier :)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Facebook free
Well, I am closing my facebook page today, and I must say I am really glad to do it!! After seeing how bad their privacy is, and that people are SOOO impersonal. I have decided to say adios to it. I hope my friends will continue to email me and update me on what is going on in their lives. We have been so busy since we got to FL, it's been a whirlwind, but also a lot of fun! I am going back to NC next month to get a bunch of our stuff that we need and forgot (like summer clothes!) so I hope to see my friends there while I am there. I am really excited to get settled here, but we are still praying for our house to sell. No takers yet, which does make me nervous, but we did what we could, the rest is up to God. I will try to update frequently. Unfortunately my camera broke, but I will try to use my parents for now to keep the pictures updated!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
I have a 12 year old?!?!?!?!
Wow, I cannot believe how fast time flies. It feels like I just had Ashley not that long ago, and here she is a beautiful 12 year old!! I have learned so much in the past 12 years. I am not the perfect parent by far, but I have grown so much and I am so much wiser in so many areas!! Since we were moving a few weeks before Ashley's birthday, we had a party in NC with her friends. It was a horse themed slumber party. She had soooo much fun!! Of course, I couldn't NOT celebrate her real birthday, so we had a surprise family party for her here in FL, which was also so much fun! I am posting some pictures now, from both of her parties. She also got a new haircut once we got here, which I personally love :)
Happy birthday Ashley!!!!!
Happy birthday Ashley!!!!!
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NC party |
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FL surprise party |
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