Thursday, March 24, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

Dylan and I had a great conversation last night before he went to bed.  He told me when he grows up that he wants to be a cowboy.  I asked him where he would get the cows and he said he'd have to grow them, or something!  Then he said he would have to kill them all so he could have food.  I told him that he should save some to keep having babies, but he didn't think that was a good idea LOL.  I asked him where he was going to live, and he said he would live in the house in NC, since noone is living there right now.  I asked him what kind of car he would have and he said that he would just take my car for free, that way he wouldn't have to pay for one.  I asked him how many kids he wanted and he said 71.  He was going to only have boys because he doesn't like girls.  He was going to name them all Jacob and Esau, that way he would always remember to tell them about the bible.  He told me he would put them all in different colored clothes so he could tell them apart.   I thought  that was a good idea ;)  I asked him what he would do if he had a girl, and he said he would just sell it to me.  Then he changed his mind and said he wouldn't mind having 2 girls, named Mary and Mandy.  Because those sound like good names.  I told him I was proud of him for planning it all out.  He looked really proud of himself for all his great ideas.  I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I snuggled with him.  My sweet little boy.  I thank God so much for him!!

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing! Make sure you write this down somewhere...or never shut down your blogspot. :-) -Rachel


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