Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Time alone

I can't remember the last time Nathan and I went out alone.  I know it was before we moved here, so it's been at least a month or more.  Tomorrow, we are going to go to a hotel nearby to have some time alone together.  We are bringing the Love & Respect book, and just focus on each other.  I think it is so important for married couples to spend time alone.  Esp. after they have children.  I do believe that when the children are babies, that their needs might come first, and personally, I would NEVER leave my baby.  But our kids are old enough to spend some time alone with their grandparents.  They have a blast and do not miss us at all, unless of course we leave for a long time.  I am really excited to get away from the stress of trying to sell our house, trying to get settled here, and just have some fun!!  Even without spending a lot of money, we need our dates!  Our kids will be happier if our marriage is happier :)


norton family