Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Moving to Florida

Since I am toying around with the blog, I guess I will post what is going on with our family.  Nathan has been wanting to change jobs for about 2 years now with no success.  He finally applied at TSA to get a job.  Well, when you apply with TSA, you interview wherever you live, but if you are accepted, you can get a job anywhere with no further interviews.  Well, a job opened at the airport near my parents house, so about 3 weeks ago we found out we are moving to another state. . . next month . . . which means packing up the house, homeschooling 3 children, training a puppy, and having my husband gone.  This is going to be one long month!!  Well, I guess it's only 2 1/2 weeks left now!!  I have so much work to do, but I know God has His hand in all of this and that it is His will for us to move.  He has closed so many doors, we know that this open door is from Him.  So I have to do my best to get ready, and leave the rest to Him.  There is NOTHING too big for God.  I have to keep reminding myself that when I grow weary.  Now to get the house finished so it sells quickly . . .


  1. I cannot tell you how excited I am to have you nearby! Your friend in FL awaits....

  2. I can't wait to see my friend in FL :) I miss you!!


norton family