Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New to blogging

By Suwanee Lennon
I have never blogged before, but I figure it's like journaling, only everyone in the world can read it.  I was using Facebook to talk to people, however, it has gotten very invasive lately, and I think I feel more comfortable blogging.  We'll see how it goes!!


  1. Don't leave facebook we will miss you too much!!! This will be great to keep up with your family! Be sure you do pics often so we can see the kids as they grow! oh and BTW you said "encourage my friends" in your profile and I just like to say that is very ture.

    Yay I am your first follower!!!

  2. Love the idea and I LOVE that picture of you!

  3. Thanks Brooke!!
    Tammy, did you see my comment I wrote? I don't know why it's deleted!!


norton family