Monday, September 19, 2011

O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A, Oklahooooooma!!!

Well, we made it safe and sound!  The ride wasn't bad, but I only grabbed 4 CD's when we left which was a horrible mistake, so we bought some from the Wal-Mart across the street :-)  I have never been here before, but it is very pretty.  It has a nice big lake with some big hills around it.  Very nice!  Our hotel is very new, has a full kitchen and a DVD player, so we will veg out and have a nice relaxing week!!  The drive was great.  I am SO glad we rented a car!  35 mpg is way better than the barely 16 mpg my SUV gets!!  Oklahoma is a lot like Arkansas. . .  and Mississippi. . .  and Alabama.  There really isn't much difference!  It's a lot different than FL though.  Cooler, and less love bugs to splat on my windshield :-)  I forgot my camera (well, my mom's) so sadly, there will be no pictures, but if you google Oklahoma, I am sure you'll get the idea!  I will update later, hopefully we'll be having a great, relaxing, uneventful trip this week!!

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norton family