Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Well, I am REALLY disappointed.  My  new camera is a joke, and almost ALL of the pictures came out blurry :-(  The worst part is, I probably threw away the box, so I can't return it!!  <Sigh>  Anyway, I was able to get a few pictures, but I wish I was able to show more clear ones.  I didn't have a good one of the cake for Jesus, and I didn't get any of our time with our family, but here are a few of the kids with their presents.  They had to wait until 10 AM to open them (when Nate got home) so they were VERY excited!!  We had a great time celebrating Christ's birth!!  I hope you all had a very Merry CHRISTmas!!!
Ashley with her Star Wars Kit

Dylan with his sword from Korea

Marissa with the fan Ashley got her

Penny turned 8 months old today

Here's the tree my parents let us borrow since our stuff is in NC

1 comment:

  1. The smiles in the pics made them great!Even Penny is smiling!


norton family