Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Busy again!!

Just when we thought we were getting ahead, we had to drop $500 on transferring everything to FL (DL, tags, etc.) It seems like every time I try to plan where our money will go, God reminds me that only He is in control of our finances!!  On a good note, I got an awesome haircut today so my picture turned out MUCH better than my NC one LOL Oh, and I also look REALLY tan in the picture, which is really funny, because I am not tan AT ALL!!  But at least it looks like I am in the picture!!  We also took Ashley out to eat tonight to congratulate her on  passing her 6th grade final exam.  Where has the time gone!!  We went to a homeschool meeting last night and we are excited to get the ball rolling this year on all the things we are doing to fill up our calender!  So far it's going well!  There aren't too many free nights in the next few months.  I hope to get a camera soon, so I can start adding more pictures.  Hopefully before our trip to OK, so I can show you what the middle of nowhere looks like!!

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