Sunday, August 21, 2011


Not much has happened this weekend, which is a good thing :-)  We went to MOSI and IKEA on Friday, which was fun.  Yesterday we went on a date, since Nathan is in NC this weekend.  I am no longer babysitting, which I'm sad about, since I love the little girl, but I'm glad to get a few weeks rest before starting my new "jobs" helping out with the kid's program Wed. nights and leading the 0-4 classes on Friday's.  We should find out this week if we get a price to list the house or not.  It feels like it's taking forever, and it is, I guess!!  We are looking forward to having my sister's family come in a few weeks, as well as Marissa's birthday.  My kids are growing too fast!!  Sorry there isn't much to the update.  I hope that soon we will be able to get a camera, so I can add more pictures.  I am still waiting to get pictures from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium from a certain someone ;-)  Maybe I can post them before the "Dolphin Tale" movie comes to theaters!!  Anyway, I have a mellow few weeks, and then it's crazy til Oct!!  I'm looking forward to it!!!

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