Tuesday, August 30, 2011


*This post is somewhat controversial, however, I am only writing what God is leading me to write.  I am not judging, only hoping to open your eyes to the truth of God's word.*

"Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." Psalm 127:3
"As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth." Psalm 127:4

Today, in my personal devotion, I was studying children.  How God sees all children as a blessing, and how the world thinks of them as a burden.  What about you?  Do you honestly feel that all children are a blessing?  Whether they were planned, or born with a disability? Do you feel that you are prolife?  We all know that abortion is wrong.  Murdering an innocent child does not solve any problem.  Regardless of the circumstances, murder only makes things worse.  If you have ever been to a NICU unit of a hospital, you can clearly see that a baby is fully formed with a beating heart, well before it is actually born.  A human is a human.  We were "nit together in our mother's womb"(paraphrase Psalm 139:13).  But are you REALLY prolife?  If you do any sort of family planning, than you cannot honestly answer yes to that question.  God calls us to be parents.  To marry another Christian, and to have children and raise them to love the Lord.  Children are a blessing.  God will never give us more than we can handle.  We do NOT know what is good for us more than God knows.  God knows what is best for us.  If we truly love the Lord, we should give ALL our life to Him, including our family size.  Any reason to not have children, or to use birth control or sterilization is selfish.  No matter how we look at it, it is not God's will for US to determine how many kids we have.  We trust God with our lives, with our money, with our salvation.  Why don't we trust Him with our family size?  Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say that children are a burden.  Jesus says they are a blessing!! (Look to the verses above *Psalm 127:3-4) Who will take care of us when we are old?  Our children.  If we only have one or two, what a burden that would be to them.  To have all of that responsibility on their shoulders.  When we die, who will be there for our children?  Their siblings!!  Siblings are a huge blessing.  The more siblings you have, the more support and love you feel.  Why deny your children that blessing?  Remember, I am not judging, only laying down what I feel on my heart.  I know some people cannot physically have children, I understand that.  If you feel convicted of what I am saying, pray about it, that God will open your heart to understanding His will for your life.  It is a very selfless thing to give God control of your family size, what a blessing to know that we are fully and completely in His will.  We cannot fully be in God's will if we are withholding some part of our lives from Him.  "Blessed is the man whose quiver is full", and no, it's not our job to determine when our quiver will be full.  We have all made mistakes in our lives, but the good news is, there is always a way to undo those mistakes.  You can throw out the pills, reverse the sterilization, turn your eyes toward heaven and do what God wants you to do.  I want to encourage you to look within yourself and to let go of selfishness and fear, and to give your whole life completely to God.  He knows what is best for us, and every child we have is a huge blessing.  I love each and every one of my children, I could not imagine life without them.  I want to have as many kids as God allows, and I am determined to raise them to love the Lord when they leave my home.  Once I feel the kick of a growing child in my womb, I become instantly attached.  What an honor to be blessed with a child.  What an opportunity in this evil world, to bring some salt and light to a dying world (Matthew 5:13-16).  The pure hearts of children are such a blessing (and also a conviction) to my own heart.  Raising godly children should be on top of our list of things we want to accomplish in our lives.  What better mission field, than in our own homes.  I hope you think about what I have said, and search the scripture for yourself to see what God says about children.  Then search within yourself and ask yourself. honestly, if you see children as a burden, or a blessing.

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