Monday, August 29, 2011

What is important to you?

I just heard news that a young man just died in a motorcycle accident.  A new friend of my sister's.  He left behind a young wife and, I believe, two young children.  It really got me thinking.  What is really important to me?  Does it matter where I live, or what I have?  Not in the least.  What matters is my family, my relationship with Christ, and the impact I have on those I meet.  Am I showing people Christ through my actions?  So many times I fail to be like Christ, but as I dig deeper into His word and I grow closer to Christ, I realize that I can be more like Him, if life is less about me.  If I am filling my life with serving others, there is no room for selfishness.  No room to feel bad about what I don't have.  The world wants us to be selfish.  To get what we can out of life.  But Christ has a bigger purpose.  What can we give to others while we are still here?  We can teach them about the free gift of salvation.  We can serve them, comfort them, be there for them.  It doesn't matter what we can accumulate, it only matters what we can give.  I hope that when I die, the people I leave behind will know that I am a Christian, and that Christ is number one in my life.  For those that I have been a bad testimony to, I hope they forgive me, and can see a change in my life.  A change to live less for myself and more for Christ.  What about you?  If you died today, what would people think of your life, and where will you spend eternity?  There are only 2 choices.  I choose Christ and life.  Romans 10:9 "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

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