Saturday, August 13, 2011

So excited

I know this is cheesy, but I am so excited because today my dad and I are going to sign up at Sam's Club.  I love that place so much!!  I think I could spend all day there :)  Since we are moving soon, I want to check out some of the furniture they have there.  We were blessed unexpectedly by a friend that gave us a dresser (it was my sister's originally.)  So now we have most of our stuff replaced.  We just need a master bedroom set (we had to leave our whole set in NC) and a living room set (and a TV/DVD).  Other than that I think we have most everything.  I am really happy to be here at my parents, it has been really fun, but we are getting anxious to get to a place of our own (well, actually we'll be renting Nate's parents house, but still).  We are looking at November so we can get settled before the holidays.  I hope we can get all our Christmas stuff from my sisters house in NC, but we'll see if that happens or not.  We are traveling a lot already, and I'm not sure if we'll be able to get there this year.  I am so thankful to God for how He has grown us and how much He has taught us this year.  It's been crazy, but also amazing!!  Well, off to Sam's.  Have a great day :)

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