Thursday, August 25, 2011


I can't wait to get this house sold!!  We FINALLY got the price to list it, so we are praying for a quick sale!  That house has been nothing but a money pit for us!!  Of course, now that we fixed everything, it's a great house, but I just can't wait to unload it.  I hope someone buys it quickly.  It really is a great house, and a nice big yard.  I will miss that much about it.  I like how it was in the country, and you could do whatever you wanted pretty much (bonfire, shoot arrows. . . ) I wish we could find something like that here, but I know that is very unlikely.  We will be renting Nathan's parents house for a year, while we get everything back in order, and we figure out what city we want to live in.  I am very excited to close that chapter of our lives.  It has taken so long just to get the price for it.  I hope that was the long part, and now it will go quickly from here.  I will keep you posted.  I am ready to move on :-) 

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