Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beach day

Wow, this week has been a whirlwind!!  I can't believe we have done so much in such a short time.  Yesterday, one of my BEST friends from when I was a teenager just happened to be in town.  So we went to the beach.  Melissa and her husband Josh, not to mention my sister and her husband, Melissa's dad and brother and nephew were also there.  So we had a party LOL!  I love the kind of friends that you can go months without talking, but as soon as you see each other nothing has changed.  You are still as close as ever, you talk like there was no time apart, and you laugh til your sides hurt.  These are the types of friends I love to have!!  We had a blast.  Josh took the kids into the ocean (brr!!) and we buried the boys (both 4 yrs old) in the sand.  We flew (and crashed) a kite, and Josh seriously paid my daughter to follow us around with a video camera and catch some "dirt" on us.  if you know Josh, that is a typical thing to do!!  The kids swam until they shivered, then went back in for more.  I got slightly burned, and was exhausted when we were done but it was worth it.  We all had a great time, and I can't wait to see them again!!  I can't believe I have known Melissa for 16 years.  I feel so young when I'm with her, it's like we're teens all over again :)  We have done everything together from geocatching, camping in the freezing cold, fighting with dead animal parts (don't ask) to comforting her when her mom passed, and being at each other's weddings.  So much history and so much love.  I can now add the fun we had at the beach to the list of fond memories we have together.  I just hope this sunburn clears up quickly (ouch!!)

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