Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hot, sunny days!

We are starting to get settled in.  About 1/2 the boxes are unpacked, so that is a good start!  Yesterday was gorgeous outside, and I couldn't resist taking the kids and the puppy on a few walks.  The sun was shining, there was a sidewalk (very exciting), and the road was FLAT!  I can't tell you how much I miss going on walks.  Where we lived in NC, it was so incredibly hilly, that the kids could not walk from the street behind us, to the street in front of us.  The incline was so steep it was very hard for them to walk, let alone ride a bike!  Dylan was out yesterday riding a tricycle my parents have here.  It was so cute to see how much he loved to ride it.  I really missed that about FL.  I am really excited to take walks every day.  I hope I keep up with it.  I am not much for walking normally.  I would rather be rollerblading, but the kids love it, and the dog needs it, so I am going to try my best to take at least 2 walks a day.  Yesterday we took 5 LOL!  My face got a little red too, I forgot I need sunblock even in Feb!  My incentive for the kids to do their schoolwork quickly is to take them for a walk.  It doesn't work on Ashley LOL, but it does on the little ones.  So, off to finish the schoolwork and to take walk #1.  I hope the weather gets warmer, it was 45 this morning, but it's supposed to warm up nicely soon.  I need to find my camera/adapter, so I can post pictures.  I miss my friends so much in NC, but it is really nice to be back here with my family.  Nathan has a good job and will be home EVERY night!  I can't get over that, it is sooooo nice, after never knowing when he would be home (if at all) for the past 5 years!!  I am going to enjoy our time together!! 


  1. Um...and you're here with friends too Missy! We just need to schedule some time to see each other. Saturday is somewhat open. I have to meet up with another friend for awhile but then I'm free! :) CALL ME!!!

  2. Oh Brooke,
    When you have been friends with someone over a decade, they get upgraded to family ;) I would love to get together Saturday!! I know Nathan is working this Sat, or next. Now I can't remember. Oh well, we wanted to go to Sawgrass Park, do you want to come with us, so I can see Gavin too?!


norton family