Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feeling better

Yesterday morning started out rough, but by the afternoon things were going much better!  We went to the Air Force base nearby which the kids loved.  My sister was so sweet and bought us all doughnuts!!  YUMMY!!  Then we went to a new church for Wed. night.  One of the things I HATE doing when we move is looking for a church.  Here, we have a wonderful church that I love more than anything, but it is really big now, and with big churches comes a lot of outside influence.  I never thought I would be strict with my kids, but I am.  I want them to have fun, but I also want them to be modest, have godly friends, and not date until they are ready to be married.  Last night we went to a smaller church which had a wonderful kids program, but the message was just ok.  It was good, but not really deep.  However, our main verse that we studied was Ps 56:3 "What time I am afraid I will trust in thee."  That really rings true to me now.  Here we are, in a different state, needing to sell our house, and Nathan only has a part time job!!  It is really stressful financially right now, but I know God moved us here, and that we are in his will.  I know He will take care of us, and I am trying as hard as I can to trust Him to sell our house, get Nathan on full time at his job, and to meet all of our needs (not our wants!!).  After hearing that message it really made me refocus on trusting God and not worrying.  So now the only problem to figure out is what church to go to.  The one I love that is big, or the smaller new one that has a good kids program but not as good messages.  Hmmm . . . .

1 comment:

  1. We hope you can find a good church home where you feel like part of a family. We pray and know that God will provide the right church for you and your family needs. Speaking of family, can't wait to see all of you! :)


norton family