Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cleaning day

We have been here a week now, and I thought we would be more unpacked than we are!!  Today I was cleaning out our room.  It's so nice to be able to walk without it feeling like I'm in a maze :)  I also found some more clothes which is always nice!!  The last room to tackle is the girl's room.  The puppy's kennel is in there, so I only want to go in when they are playing with him.  Right now the girls are on the Wii having fun, so I think I will wait a bit to have them take the dog for a walk.  We have been enjoying the beautiful weather and today we are meeting a good friend at a nature park.  The kids are excited to go there.  The last time we were there Dylan saw an armadillo and asked if it was a robot LOL I guess they do look sort of "fake".  :)  I feel like all I have done since being here is homeschooling, cleaning, going for walks, and sightseeing.  But I guess that isn't too bad.  I am glad to be getting some packing undone.  I finally found my hair straightener!!  Yeah!  It was in a suitcase I thought had already been unpacked.  I can't wait for my mom to get home in 2 days.  I hope the house is all back in order before then, so we can have fun!  They have a really good restaurant here (one of many) that we are planning on going to with my mom, my sister and Brooke.  I haven't been there since last May and they have the BEST food there!  So needless to say, I can't wait!!!  Well, break's over, back to work!  I hope you all have a fun and relaxing weekend!!

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