Saturday, March 12, 2011

End times

After seeing all the "weird" phenomenon that is going on with the world (earthquakes, tsunamis. . . ) I wonder if we truly are in the end times.  Some people blame God for the bad in the world, conveniently forgetting that God intended this world to be perfect and that Satan and sin brought pain and suffering to us.  We also need to remember that God is long suffering, and even though His heart breaks by the fact that the one thing we should treasure (human life) is being murdered by the thousands without a second thought, Jesus will not return until everyone has a chance to get saved and join Him in heaven.  Jesus wants everyone to come to Him, to find life through Him.  He is willing to allow the suffering to continue, for a time.  There will come a point where Christ won't wait any longer, and for those that have not found salvation in Christ. . . it will be too late.  I hope and pray that you have already confessed that you are a sinner in need of a savior and have reached out to Christ for salvation.  For those of you with children, are you teaching your children about salvation, and the only true Savior of the world?  I pray that you are not just bringing your children to church, but truly living what you believe and showing them what a godly home is all about.  There is so much hatred and corruption in this world, our children need stable, loving, godly homes in order to withstand the evil of this world.  Noone knows exactly when Christ will return, but are you ready?  Are your loved ones ready?  What about the person you passed on the street, are they ready? Reach out to Christ, He will save you and He will change you.  Only Christ will fill the void in your life and teach you true love and happiness.  I am not afraid of end times, because I know where I am going when I die, and it is glorious!

“If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."  Romans 10:9

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