Saturday, March 26, 2011

Never again

Last night we found a new home for our puppy.  I know it was best for him, but I still miss him terribly!  I hate getting an animal and then having to give it away.  It tears at my heart :(  I know he is happy though.  The guy that took him sent pictures and he looks very happy and at home.  Right now we need to focus on our kids and selling the house.  But, I will never again have an animal.  It hurts too much when they leave, whether they have to be sold, or they pass away.  So I'm done with pets.  I know my kids aren't happy about that, but that is the way it is.  Rebecca had a good idea, to put away all the money I was spending on the dog every month, and save it for a vacation.  After the stress of moving, the house, the dog. . . I think I will take her up on that!!  We need something to lift our spirits from all the things we have going on right now!!  I still try to remember to just trust God to take care of everything.  Sometimes it is hard, but I know in my heart, His way is best. 

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