Monday, March 7, 2011

Facebook free

Well, I am closing my facebook page today, and I must say I am really glad to do it!!  After seeing how bad their privacy is, and that people are SOOO impersonal.  I have decided to say adios to it.  I hope my friends will continue to email me and update me on what is going on in their lives.  We have been so busy since we got to FL, it's been a whirlwind, but also a lot of fun!  I am going back to NC next month to get a bunch of our stuff that we need and forgot (like summer clothes!) so I hope to see my friends there while I am there.  I am really excited to get settled here, but we are still praying for our house to sell.  No takers yet, which does make me nervous, but we did what we could, the rest is up to God.  I will try to update frequently.  Unfortunately my camera broke, but I will try to use my parents for now to keep the pictures updated!! 


  1. YAY!!! Congrats on becoming facebook free. We had a great time with you and Dylan this Saturday. I love talking to you! Hopefully we can get together with our husbands next to see if they'll get along. :) Take care and God is up to just sit back and enjoy the ride!

  2. Thanks Brooke :) We had a great time too!! I hope we can get together often!!


norton family