Thursday, March 31, 2011


Boy, I hate finding a new church!!  I am glad that there are so many good ones out there, but it is hard to find the perfect fit for your own family.  We have been to a few here, but we have not joined one yet.  I am praying God will lead us to the right church soon.  I really liked the one we tried last night.  They even have a Master's Club program there, which the kids were excited about.  They also have homeschooler's, which is important to Ashley.  We keep praying that God will give us wisdom and that we will know what His will is for our family.  Even though we have just visited churches, I have gotten a lot out of all of the sermon's.  So I am thankful for that!!  It's great to see so many Christian's truly living for the Lord, and not just claiming to be saved.  That has been a huge encouragement to me :)

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    This has been really on my heart for you all to find a good, godly church family. We are praying you will find it soon, maybe this one is it?! :)


norton family