Tuesday, March 15, 2011


If someone would have told me a year ago that our life would be drastically different, I wouldn't believe it.  God has truly blessed our family in the past few months.  Nathan went from having a job he hated that kept him constantly away from his family, to a job he loves that allows him to be home early every day.  God also has blessed him with another job that will supplement the time it will take for his first job to go full time.  Well, actually, he is working full time right now during training, but he is supposed to go part time after that until a full time position opens up.  So right now he is working full time and part time.  Which is a huge blessing!  We are stashing it all away in anticipation of losing a lot of money when our house actually sells.  I am praying that won't happen and that we will get a good offer on it.  God has provided so much up til now, there is no reason to think He won't continue to provide for us with the selling of our home.  It is so exciting to see how His plan for us has laid out.  With the closing of doors, and the way He has prepared us for this move.  I cannot understand how people can live their lives without God's guidance.  I know that whenever we are in His will our lives are blessed.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for the rest of this year.  Right now I am enjoying the daily walks I get to take with my kids and puppy and the dates I get with my sweetheart.  Money doesn't buy happiness, but trusting in and living for God makes us happier and more content with our lives than anything money could buy us.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!! ".....A man's life consistith not in the things he possesseth" Luke 12:15


norton family