Thursday, March 17, 2011


Praise the Lord Marissa is doing much better today!  Her fever was up to 105 yesterday.  Poor thing :(  Today her fever broke and she was eating a little.  Not much though.  So we need to work on that.  Last night was kind of funny though.  With her high fever she was hallucinating.  She was sound asleep and all the sudden sat up in bed, said, "whoa, whoa!" and told me to watch out so I wouldn't fall off the bed!!  (I was in the middle of the bed).  Then she laid back down and screamed at the top of her lungs.  I said "WHAT?!" Thinking she was hurt.  She said, "Do you feel that shaking?!"  I told her to go back to sleep because I didn't know what she was talking about.  A second later she was snoring away.  I felt bad for her because she was so sick, but couldn't help laughing out loud about it.  I'm so glad she is feeling better today, and we're praying noone else gets the fever!


  1. That is funny! But sad at the same time. I must have been halucinating somewhat last night, because this morning Susie told me I fell out of bed last night, but that I got right back in bed (I have the top bunk). I had no idea!

  2. Glad she is doing better.

    Rachel I think you must have been sleep falling!

  3. Hey Katie! Got your message about Dylan playing with Gavin. That's sweet. Eric is actually managing quite well and I think he's enjoying their bonding time. But thanks for the offer! Plus you got recovering sickies in the house. :) Let me know when we're having lunch with your mom and Becca.


norton family