Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Moving forward??

Ok, so we decided to short sale our house, and we're FINALLY getting to head into phase 2 (of 4 sigh!)  It has only been about, oh . . . 4 1/2 months or so.  Yikes, this is taking forever!!  Anyway, we got rid of our useless realtor and got a new one that only works on short sale negotiations.  Hopefully she will be able to help and move things along and our negotiator at BofA is wonderful, even though she talks faster than anyone I have ever met before!!  It definitely has been a crazy few months, but I am PRAYING that we can get this all behind us soon.  VERY soon.  If we can get the house sold before our trip in Sept, that would be amazing, however, if we can do it before Christmas, I'd be happy!!  So that is what is going on with our house.  I wish I had better news, but hopefully that will be the case soon enough :)

1 comment:

  1. To answer your Title question, YES! You are definitely moving forward and it sounds like things are starting to show progression. Still praying for you guys!


norton family