Monday, July 18, 2011


This week has been very hectic.  We had so much going on and so much running around to do, I am physically so exhausted, I actually fell asleep for a bit while watching a movie today (if you don't know me, I NEVER fall asleep during a movie!!)  It has been so crazy.  Helping my BIL at his house, spending time with my sister and her husband before they left (and felt their baby move a few more times!!) babysitting and trying (very unsuccessfully) to get the house cleaned up.  Tomorrow is pretty much the only day in July that I have NOTHING planned!!  I am so excited and I plan to finally get my very much neglected room all cleaned up, and also relax.  I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to veg out and relax!!  We'll see if that actually happens, but I hope it does.  Thursday will be fun.  We are having date day with the kids.  This time girls with Nathan (each alone) and Dylan with me.  I love spending one on one time with the kids, it really keeps us close and makes them feel special!!  I am not sure what we'll do this week, but since Dylan's birthday is coming up soon, maybe we'll be searching for the perfect gift for him!!  Marissa wants to go swimming, and I'm not sure what Ashley has planned, but I'm sure it will involve a stop at Game Stop!  :)

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