Friday, July 15, 2011


This is the last weekend I have with Rebecca and Matt before they move :(  It's really sad, but I am so thankful they will be within a days drive.  My other sister Rachel and her family are getting settled (as much as you can without your stuff there!!) on the other side of the world!!!  They were blessed to get a big enough house WITH a yard, which is extremely unusual!  That was a huge answer to prayer.  Unfortunately, they will be without their stuff for months (I can't even imagine!) so we are praying for friends to loan them some things esp. toys for the kids!  They are also blessed to have some very good friends there in the same town!  How awesome is that?!  That is also a HUGE blessing!!  I really miss my family a lot but I am so thankful for SKYPE!! July has been so busy so far and has no chance of slowing down!  Ashley is counting down the days to horse camp!  One more week!!  August is very dull except for Dylan's birthday, so I am looking forward to some down time before we get back into the swing of things!! 

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