Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

This weekend was a lot of fun so far!!  We got to spend time with some good friends, we got to rid the world of zombies (or at least Nathan and his brother did LOL), and today we are going bowling.  That will be a first for the little kids.  I think they will have a lot of fun!!  The bowling alley across the street has $0.99 games today, which is pretty cool!  So we'll be heading out there in a few hours.  I hope today you remember what it took to get our freedom, and instead of being against war, realize that sometimes war is necessary and war is what keeps us safe, and keeps our country free.  Thank the men and women that sacrifice so much to keep us free.  Not just the soldiers, but their families as well.  They may not be serving themselves, but they give so much to our country.  I am looking forward to the place where there will be no fighting and no sadness.  One day, those that are saved will rise to meet Christ and will never have to deal with pain or suffering again.  I can't wait for that time to come!  Until then, I am so thankful for being in a country where I have so much freedom and so much safety.  Thank you to all the servicemen/women/families.  Not just military, but everyone that works hard to keep our country safe!!  Thank you for everything you do for us!

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