Monday, August 1, 2011

Getting organized?!

Well, since the summer is wrapping up, we are starting to get organized for school.  I got all . . . or most of the school supplies, including schedule books for the kids.  I have all of August planned out, which is a HUGE deal for me since I'm normally so disorganized!!  I was hoping to get it scheduled out til Christmas, but THAT didn't happen.  I guess doing one month for 3 kids is almost the same as doing it for 3 months!!  I think I have most of their school books as well, just a few more that are ordered and need to get here.  I really am glad that we have a huge bookshelf just for school stuff.  It really helps to keep everything in order, and the kids each have their own shelf which is really nice as well.  This summer just flew by so fast!  I can't believe it.  The kids are going to a co-op on Fridays starting in a few weeks, and I think the girls will be doing Keepers at Home one night a week.  It's like Christian girl scouts, but WAY better :)  They still get badges and do crafts and all that but it's teaching them Biblical responsibilities as well.  So it looks like our weeks will be pretty full.  I am wondering if we will end up getting another car within a year or so that gets a lot better mileage.  I doubt my gas guzzler will be a good thing to drive all over every week!!  We'll see how it goes, but I have a feeling we'll be adding some sort of sedan to our car crew in the not too distant future!!  Oh well, one thing at a time I guess :)

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norton family