Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Children are a blessing!

I am so blessed to be surrounded by children I love.  I cannot imagine how boring life would be without them.  They are so funny, especially when they don't know you are watching.  So honest, even brutally sometimes!  So innocent and sincere.  I love each and every one of my children.  They are each so different, yet so similar.  I can't explain how amazing God is and how blessed we feel because He gave us the kids we have, so we can train them and teach them to become godly Christians.  What better job in the world.  I cannot think of a better place to be than at home with my children.  Snuggling with them at night, teaching them during the day.  Answering questions, and also being challenged to find answers to questions I have never thought of on my own.  Learning to be artistic when I really have no idea what I am doing :)  Learning to sword fight which is actually really fun!  Learning to be a friend as well as a parent.  To help my kids to grow and to think for themselves.  I think that is a scary concept, but I know I can't always be with them.  They need to prepare to leave and raise their own families.  But I know that even when they are gone, they will ALWAYS be my children.  No matter what.  But for now I am cherishing every moment we have together.  I am so honored to be a wife and a mother. 

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