Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thankful for family and friends

Today, I am so thankful for my family and friends.  I really screw up so much, I don't feel deserving of such love!  I am sure everyone feels that way, but I really appreciate my loved ones.  They all mean so much to me.  I know noone is perfect, but to love someone despite their flaws really means a lot.  Luckily I haven't done anything too stupid lately, but just looking back, it is really neat to see God carry me through my bad times with my family and friends right there.  I can't say that I have lost a lot of friends throughout the years.  Usually, if we grow apart, when we see each other again, it's like old times, and I love that!!  I know life happens and people are busy, but to still have a bond after all that time is really something special.  I really treasure my family and friends.  They are each so special and unique.  It is a relief to know that I'm not the only one that screws up, and it's even better to laugh about the past with people that were there.  :)  I try not to have regrets, but to learn from my past.  Although I have done a lot of stupid things, there are a few things I've done right.  I kept my baby when I could have had an abortion.  I didn't just marry any guy to give her a dad, as easy as that could have been.  I waited for the perfect guy.  We have 3 beautiful children who are growing closer to the Lord every day (which is my main prayer for them!).  We aren't drowning in debt like so many people.  All of these are huge blessings for me and I am so thankful that God loves me enough to give me what I don't deserve, and to not give me what I do deserve (Hell!)  I am truly thankful for my friends and family that are honest with me.  They don't sugar coat my mistakes, but bring it to light and help me overcome them.  It takes a true friends to be honest with someone, and I really appreciate my true friends!!  One of my favorite cousins is coming tonight, and I can't wait!  Whenever we get together it is like old times.  We have such an amazing bond, I will love her forever :)  God brought two little girls together from opposite sides of the world.  I am so thankful for that!!  God really does know the whole picture, even parts we don't know about yet.  I know He has a lot more in store for my life than I can imagine.  Some good, some bad, but regardless of what happens, I will praise Him and love Him.  And thank Him for showing me His love through my loved ones!  They are a little bit of Heaven here on earth :)

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