Friday, April 8, 2011

God is awesome!!

Today I had good news and bad news.  The bad news is that wonderful friends of ours went to our house to mow the lawn, but someone had broken into one of our sheds.  It was probably kids, and I don't think anything was taken, but the door is now broken :(  We are having people look at the house tomorrow, so hopefully that won't deter them.  I know it is all in God's hands.  The good news (besides someone looking at the house) is that I may have a job opportunity.  I might be watching a little girl through the summer.  That would be a huge blessing to us, since we could use some extra money with everything that has been happening.  You never know how God works, but His way is perfect!  I am so thankful for the way He shows me that He cares about me, and my family.  He truly is an awesome God!  I will keep you posted on what happens, but for now I am trying not to worry and I'm still learning patience!! 

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norton family