Saturday, April 30, 2011

Crazy busy

Well this week has been a good one so far.  I love watching the little girl 3x a week, and Marissa just adores her!  I asked M if she wanted a little sister and she said "NO!  I want HER!!" LOL :)  It's been fun swimming every other day, the kids love it, it's good exercise, and I have been getting tan . . . well, tan for me anyway ;)  Tomorrow is the big Webkinz event!  I hope it's as much fun as it looks in the pictures.  I will be spending the day surrounded by Webkinz!  I know my kids will have fun, and that's what it's all about!!  God has been blessing us financially while we wait to sell our house, so that is a HUGE blessing!!  I love staying here with my parents, it has been really a huge blessing to all of us, and I know the kids love spending so much time with their grandparents.  The little girl I babysit even calls them "Nana and Papa" LOL :)  We are still praying the house sells soon, but we are so thankful for letting the transition go smoothly!!  We are also praying Nathan can get a lead job at work.  It's a full time job and also pays $10K more than now, so that would be a HUGE blessing as well.  It's all in God's hands and His timing.  As long as we are in His will, we will trust God to provide!

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