Monday, April 11, 2011


These past few months God has really been teaching me a lot of things.  Mainly how much I still need work (and will ALWAYS need work) at being more Christ-like.  I sometimes can run my mouth without thinking-one of my biggest struggles, but I am working on it.  It's a daily struggle between the flesh and the spirit.  Most days the spirit wins, but not always.  I am reminded that noone is perfect and that I have no right to judge another person.  I usually don't struggle with judging others, but it's always a good reminder that we are no better than anyone else.  Besides running my mouth, my other biggest struggle is patience.  I really don't have much of it, but God has REALLY been working in my life in that regard.  I have to wait for everything.  Wait for the house to sell, wait to buy something, wait, wait, wait!!!!!  I really think it is a good thing He is teaching me.  I need to just give it all to God, know that it will happen in His time, and then let it go.  Don't dwell on it, but just let it go.  I have a hard time letting go of things.  The good and the bad.  But I know that there is no reason to hold on to things.  Just let God handle it.  Try to do my best every day, and the rest is God's to do with as He pleases.  I am still working on it, but I have gotten much better.  I don't stress over things (as much) as I used to.  I know that God's way is better than anything I could dream up.   So for now, I will try my best not to worry about the house, or finances, or anything else.  Just focus on making my family's day the best it can be, and making sure every day is focused on the Lord.  That's what I'm trying to focus on. 

1 comment:

  1. I did get your message a while back and sent an email shortly thereafter. Maybe a spam filter intercepted it. I sent it again. Let me know if you get it.

    If you don't, you can email me at


norton family