Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bad week/good week

Wow, I can't believe this was all in the same week, but:
The Bad:
Called Bank of America 3x with no results
I missed my Bible Study (not just missed, totally forgot!!)
Realized that when we get to NC we only have 2 days to pack
Got locked out of Mother-in-laws house 
Found out a good family friend's cancer spread

The Good:
Bank of America FINALLY called me back with some progress!!!!
Rescheduled Bible Study
Got lots of boxes for moving and booked U-Haul
Brother-in-law brought the key to open MIL house
Realized that in the whole scheme of things, our house not selling, or having to rush to pack everything is nothing in comparison to losing a loved one or suffering physical pain, and it's really not something to stress over.

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