Tuesday, May 31, 2011


In just 3 days we are making the long drive back to NC to pack up our house.  The challenge . . . get the whole house packed up and loaded in only 2 days!!  I am NOT looking forward to this trip, except that we get to see friends and family.  I have no idea where we will keep half the stuff we're bringing once we get back here, but I will be really glad to have it all with me.  We are bringing the girls with us to see the family/friends but Dylan will be here alone with my parents.  He is very excited to finally have some alone time with my parents.   We couldn't bring him with us, since there would be nowhere for him to stay.  I know he would want to be with me, so this works out best.  We are trying to make him excited to get to stay here alone.  And as a back-up, there is always my brother-in-law that could take him and play video games with him all day to make him feel better Hehehe :)  I hope and pray we have enough room in the trailer for everything, I am horribly overwhelmed, but I know we need to get the important stuff first and all that.  Well, off to clean out the garage and make some room!!

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