Saturday, May 21, 2011

Busy week

This past week has been really busy here!  My mom and Ashley tiled the ENTIRE back porch by themselves!!  (We offered, and helped a little, but they had a whole system going).  I will take pics when it's all complete with furniture and everything :)  We also went to Nathan's brother's house to get ready to watch it next week.  The girls and I took his dogs for a walk.  We only went 1 1/2 blocks, and on the way home his old dog started breathing hard, like he was having some sort of asthma attack or something.  So Ashley picked him up and he immediately stopped.  Stinker!!  I have heard that he also fakes broken legs too LOL I guess we won't be going for many walks this week :)  We went swimming only 1 day, since it rained hard and the pool was FREEZING!  I am sure next week it will be much better.  I was really bummed, because I love to swim!!  Not much else is going on.  I got new school books for the little ones "Sing, spell, read and write" and I LOVE IT!  I would only use it again.  It's wonderful.  Don't waste money on anything else, really!  They have a set of K and 1st grade set.  I got it at Amazon for a little over $200.  It was worth it!!  I am so excited!!  Thank you Lord for giving me the curriculum I was looking for :)

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