Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good news and bad news

So much has happened in just 24 hours!!  First, we found out the neighborhood kids have been jumping on our trampoline every day since we left.  Like 10-12 kids at a time.  They also have been trying to break into the house.  As if moving isn't stressful enough, now to deal with this!!  The police are going to do extra patrols to the house and the neighbor will call them if she sees them in our yard again.  The police will "arrest" the kids and that will hopefully deter any more mischief.  We can't really arrest them unless they are at least 16, which some may very well be.  I am sure the police will take care of it, but I wish it wasn't an issue. 

The good news is that we found out what has been going on with Ashley's vision.  She has astigmatism in both eyes, but it's worse in her right eye.  So now she is getting glasses to use while reading/watching TV.  She is happy about that since it's been bothering her for awhile.  I really like this eye doctor, and since the other one I took her too didn't find this out, I am REALLY glad for some answers!!  She will have her glasses in a week, they look so cute on her . . . I'm sorry, so "sophisticated" ;) I will post pictures when she gets them. 

What a day it has been!!  I hope to hear no more news today, good or bad!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad for the good news, praying for the bad news and that the house sales so you will not have to worry with it.


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