Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dreading the weekend

I really should be getting to bed, we have a LONG weekend ahead of us!!  We are driving to NC tomorrow, loading all our stuff in the trailer, and coming home in ONE weekend!!  Honestly, I wish it was over already!!  I am glad to get to see some friends and family, but I am horribly exhausted just thinking of the overwhelming task at hand.  I appreciate prayers so much!!  I know God has a plan, and His way is perfect!!  Speaking of His plans, I have a HUGE prayer request.  If you REALLY want to know, email me.  I don't want to post it right now, but it could be huge for our family, or it could not turn out the way we think it will.  Anyway, prayers for wisdom are definitely needed in the next coming weeks/months.  As long as we are following God we will be doing just fine :)  I feel like I'm getting a cold too, which really would not be good.  I'm praying it's just allergies, but we'll see.  I also got a big case of Oolong tea.  It's supposed to be good for you.  I am trying to quit the coffee.  The tea smells bad, like wood or something :P but it tastes fine.  I hope this will help me gain more energy and also get healthier :)  Well, I guess I will be off to bed.  Right after Nate gets home from work (around 10 AM) we will head out.  We're praying for a quick (haha) and safe trip up to NC without incident!!

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