Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Back to FL

Well, we made it safely home last night and I am EXHAUSTED!!  We got the trailer unpacked, surprisingly most everything fit in my parents garage, so that was a huge blessing!!  Now to sort through all the boxes we have in the bedrooms, weed out what we can live without, and use what we really need.  Hopefully I can sell at least 1/3 of what we have inside the house.  We'll see what happens though!!  So much is going on in our lives right now.  It seems like it's either everything or nothing!  Right now it's everything.  I can't wait to sell the house so we can rent something else.  I also have a HUGE unspoken request.  We are praying for God's will, and for a definite YES or NO, so we know for sure what His will is.  I am so thankful that He guides our steps so perfectly!!  Nothing is too big for Him and His way is perfect!  I try to remind myself that when things get overwhelming!!  I am so tired right now, I cannot wait to get to bed!  I got my arm squished by the microwave yesterday so it still hurts pretty bad.  I'm glad I have a brace for it though!!  Hopefully it will heal quickly.  I am so blessed to have such great friends and family that helped us pack up and unload!!  I feel bad we could not see all of our friends, but we hope to make a "fun" trip to NC within the next few months.  I try to remember through all of this that God knows what is best for us, and won't give us something we cannot handle.  A prayer request for my sister who is in the hospital right now.  She will be there a few days.  We love her and we are praying for quick healing!!  I think that is everything right now.  The house is all clean, but the bedrooms are full of boxes LOL.  A task I will do tomorrow!  Off to bed now . . .

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