Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Role playing

One of the things my family loves to do more than anything is role play.  We run around outside the house pretending to be pirates, knights, prince/princesses, good guy/bad guy, and pretty much any other scenario we can come up with.  Today, we were at the pool and we were playing Star Wars.  Wow, what a workout!!  Somehow I always end up as the "bad guy".  I have no idea why my kids would want me to play the part, but I guess I will go outside my comfort zone of niceness, and try my best to be bad ;)  The kids take their playing very seriously.  Sometimes we don't really get into it, but most of the time we could spend hours playing our parts.  We even make up our own skits and plays.  What great memories our kids will have of our family playing and spending time together.  I love it because it's sort of like exercising, but not (hehehe).  I love the looks on peoples faces when they walk by and see me holding a GI Joe gun, looking suspicious :)  I am exhausted from playing today, but happy because we spent quality time together as a family!  Now to go snuggle them to sleep!!

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