Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I know I have been horrible about posting pictures of the family.  Our camera broke a long time ago and I have yet to replace it.  However, we are going to the aquarium Thursday with my brother-in-law, so I promise to make sure he brings his camera :)  I am looking forward to a fun day with the family.  We have been running around crazy lately, and I still have yet to finish organizing my parents house since our trip to NC.  Luckily that is my plan for while they are gone.  I got the girls room all cleaned up and boxes stacked neatly in the corner.  Next is Dylan's room.  Not too many boxes in there, since he would just climb on them and hurt himself!  But that just means it won't take long to organize.   After getting the house all organized, my focus will be on the baby shower!  I am planning a surprise for my sister, that I am praying will go well!!  I can't wait to see what happens, and I hope I get some good pictures!!  We'll see what happens :)

Ok, so I took a few pictures with my mom's camera before they left and was fiddling with the colors :)  Here they are:

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