Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I'm so excited!!  I found the checks out in the mountain of boxes in the garage :)  I am so proud of myself!!  I didn't even need Nathan to help me. . . ok, so maybe when I put the boxes back together, some *might* be leaning a little bit, but so far I have not heard a crash ;)  I am sure my type A husband will fix what I did when he gets home (speaking of which, where is he?!)  I know I put the boxes up just fine, but I KNOW he will find an even better way to stack them!!  That's one thing I love about him.  He makes my life better, even in small ways :)  We have a lot of running around to do today, I hope the kids that are coming with me do good.  Although one of the stops is the library, so I think if we hold out and do that last I can bribe them a bit to be good.  They LOVE the library!!  So far we are feeling a little better.  Marissa and Ashley will probably stay home, since Marissa is still a little sick.  But Dylan and Taylor are a hoot at the library.  Dylan puts on a puppet show, and Taylor just sits there and laughs.  Then she claps for him and he bows :)  It's so cute.  They also just like to grab books off the shelves.  I can't believe some of the books they have there!!  I always have to do a check before I approve.  Well, off to finish the laundry.  Nathan just called and he's on his way home!  Just in time to run errands with me :)  Even though it is stressful to have a huge pay cut, live with my parents, wait for our house to sell. . . it's all worth it to have Nathan home with us every day!!

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